Glasgow City Council has plans to significantly cut teacher numbers next year and in the subsequent two years. AHDS members have highlighted very serious concerns about how schools can effectively operate following these cuts. The response from GCC Councillors to these concerns has been close to non-existent. Without a response which addressed the concerns raised by members or a change to the planned cuts, AHDS issued an indicative ballot to Glasgow members asking the following questions:
The indicative ballot closed on 11 June. The results were as follows:
If replicated in a formal ballot, the turnout and response would easily surpass the thresholds required to enable industrial action to proceed.
AHDS has only engaged in industrial action twice in its forty-nine year history and our members do not consider such an approach lightly. It has been clear from the moment Glasgow announced its plans to cut teacher numbers that AHDS members were very concerned about the impact on children, staff, families and on their own workload as school leaders. This result leaves the strength of feeling amongst our members in no doubt.
AHDS calls on Glasgow City Council to reconsider its plans, to protect education and to do so swiftly.